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Monday, October 17, 2011

31 Days... Day 17

OK I will admit - the challenge is killing me!!!  I love the fact that I am getting so much done.  But at times it is overwhelming!!  This household is non-stop, so squeezing in time for a project - even if it is a tiny one - is sometimes daunting.

Today we had our Bible study group, which I love.  On my drive home from work I was trying to think of something that needed completing that was fast.  Like super fast.  That was when youngest daughter called to remind me that she did not have earmuffs yet.  So I rushed through hers and made this

It was not exactly a quick project.  Probably especially since I am not an experienced crochet-er.  So we were a few minutes late for Bible study, but it was worth it - can you tell she loves it!!!!

So another project down - woo hoo!!!

Until tomorrow
Happy DIY'ing


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